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Pop-up Christmas Tree Lot | Louisville KY Family Photographer

Continuing to post the drafts I saved early 2020. Hoping I actually get around to posting some new content (most of my work has stayed current on Instagram if you’re really looking!).

GAHHHHHH these kids have grown SO MUCH since this 2019 session. Christmas tree lots are ALWAYS a good idea. Might have to do another one this year!

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Pobst Family | Louisville KY Family Photographer

When families keep coming back…

January of 2020 I began this blog post in a series I intended to review my favorite 2019 sessions. I suffered a very traumatic loss immediately after, and then everyone know what happened in March of 2020. It’s been very triggering to go back and read some drafts I had written in the “before.” Full of hope, ready to crush some goals for the year. So unaware. So unprepared.

I am here, although the pieces have been rearranged and put back together in the “after” version of me.

This family just booked me for their seventh annual family photos. I’m so eternally grateful.

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Maternity Studio Session | Louisville KY Family Photographer

***Another draft I’m publishing from Feb 2020. She’s had another baby since this one, we refinished the studio floors, the black wall stayed until we moved out :)***

Jordyn came in for quick creative maternity session this winter and I love what we captured. She’s insanely gorgeous and so natural in front of the camera.

The new flat black wall in the studio has made room for change and creativity! So much new! So much experimenting!

And I think everyone should try body suits and hats. 🙂

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California Bound | Louisville KY Family Photographer

Beth has loved on my babies for years at our wonderful school in Louisville. And for that, I am grateful. When the opportunity arises to reciprocate love and caring and to share my art with someone, I’m the first to raise my hand. While Beth established roots in Kentucky for a few years (and birthed two beautiful babies), there was always a pull to head back home. Her partner got the job transfer of his dreams and like that, they were westward bound.

Before heading to California, Beth wanted to document their time here with a quick family session. We chose the park close to what might have otherwise been their forever home. I used what superpowers I possessed to stretch the time between dinner and bedtime for that good and golden sunset light. It didn’t last long with babies melting down in one way or another, but there was laughter and smiles and books and snacks and they handled the session with ease.

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Maternity Session | Louisville, KY Family Photographer

When local fellow photographer Susan Jordan approached me about a maternity session, I was floored, y’all. It started with me dreaming up a session I wanted to do with a belly and overalls. She was game! Susan’s wedding and couples photography blows me straight out of the water. You can tell she puts her clients at ease so that they’re able to be natural and loving and silly. Take a peek at her work if you’re in the market <3

These two expecting parents are just straight silly themselves – I mean not a stitch of seriousness! Lots of laughter, dancing, skipping and loving on their fur-baby. Thank heavens for a breeze on this blistering summer session because I wasn’t letting them go home without shooting her belly in those adorable overalls!!

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